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原文作者  杨玄佳   |   发布时间  2015-06-26   | 浏览次数  3065



前段时间 CRI著名英语新闻脱口秀节目Round Table节目采访了麦肯锡全球董事合伙人余进,她在节目里讲述自己如何进入职场,如何选择现在的这份职业,以及女性应该如何应对职场上的障碍。

Nowadays women take up an increasing percentage of the workforce. But our workplaces are far from equal. In fact, many still hold on to the traditional view that a woman's best achievements lie in finding a good husband and raising well-behaved children.

Q:你是如何规划你的职业生涯的呢(deisgn your route)?

Honestly, there wasn’t much design. The question I hated the most is when people ask you where you see yourself 5 years down the road, because I have no idea. Nowadays, if I talk to young people, no matter how achieved they are, I encourage them to spend some time in their life outside, just to acquire some experience, develop different perspectives, to be able to look at things from different lens. I think that’s invaluable.



Although I do make plans, I also realize I always change plans. If you are lucky enough, and know what you really want in your life early on, of course, go for it. But if you don’t, even for a short period of time, you know what excites you, what motivates you. Are you getting the maximization out of the time on whatever you are doing?



The reason why I didn’t know what I’d love to do until age 30 is partly related to how I was brought up and educated. I think we were so used to fulfill other people’s expectations… From time to time, ask yourself, what motivates you, what gives you energy, what drives you, just do whatever excites you. That’s important.


To me, the meaning of life is about personal learning and growth. McKinsey provided a great platform for personal learning and growth. The learning curve is really really steep. For a lot of consultants, two years in McKinsey pretty much shaped who they are for their life time.

Q:作为一名职场女性,你怎么看待职场中的glass ceiling(玻璃天花板,指职场上公司员工,尤其是女性员工升职路上的一道无形的阻碍)。

I don’t subscribe to the phrase glass ceiling. If you think there is a glass ceiling, there would be a glass ceiling, because you already define what’s impossible to reach. If you don’t think there is a glass ceiling, you can go farther. Of course being a woman, trying to juggle different roles is challenging, but there are different challenges for different people, I’m sure men have their challenges to deal with too.



First of all, when you juggle multiple things, it’s challenging… but I don’t think it’s impossible. To me, it’s more like life-work integration. A happy, mentally healthy mom is very important for the healthy growth of the kid. So I need to be fulfilled.


Smart problem solvers, who can work well with other people and have a heart to help other people and make other people successful. Top school is one indicator but not the sole indicator.

来源:CRI NEWSPlus 英语环球广播



